» » Revivre (2024) streaming VF

Revivre (2024)

Revivre (2024) streaming

  • Année:
  • 2024
  • Langues:
  • Français
  • Avec:
Revivre (2024)Karim Dridi is a French film director and screenwriter. He was born on January 17, 1961, in Tunis, Tunisia. Dridi studied film at La Fémis in Paris and began his career directing short films and documentaries.

Dridi gained international recognition with his feature film "Pigalle" in 1994, which won the Best First Feature Award at the Venice Film Festival. He has since directed several other critically acclaimed films, including "Bye-Bye" (1995), "Aïcha" (2003), and "Khorma" (2020).

Known for his realistic and gritty style, Dridi often explores themes of crime, poverty, and social issues in his films. He has been praised for his ability to depict the lives of marginalized individuals with empathy and authenticity.

In addition to his work in film, Dridi has also directed for television and has served as a jury member at various film festivals. He continues to be an active and respected figure in the French film industry. Revivre (2024) streaming c'est un film de genre Documentaire / Nouveaux Films. Regarder Revivre streaming VF complet en 720p HD, 1080p Full HD, 4K Ultra HD.

Revivre (2024) streaming VF


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